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Wednesday, January 15, 2014






The largest social networking websites of the world realize a revenue of several billions of dollars annually by enabling all free use of their websites for their users.

The aim of GlobAllShare is not merely to enable free use for the users, but to make them feel the global community their own and thereby they will shape it as they find it appropriate. That is why GlobAllShare ensures ownership status to each user in the form of free shares during the pre-organisation stage.

Each member of GlobAllShare, who joins to the community during the pre-organisation stage and contributes to the global growth thereof, may get GlobAllShare shares continuously all gratuitously and each month will receive dividends from the global profit in proportion of the shares owned after this venture is launched.

Have your share from the global profit

GlobAllShare shares its global profit with its users, who have contributed to the global growth and spreading during the pre-organisation period.

After the venture is launched GlobAllShare's shareholders will receive each month their dividends from 70% of the global profit in proportion of the shares owned, thus every shareholder will get a constant monthly earning.

But the shareholders of GlobAllShare will not merely get a monthly dividend, but may also sell their shares at face value, earning an immediate and large sum this way.

Get your own shares
You may also get your shares in the GlobAllShare community simply during the pre-organisation stage. All you need to do is to invite your friends and acquaintances to the GlobAllShare's website.

If you have invited 5 of your friends successfully, you will get 1 GlobAllShare share straight away. But you may not merely get shares after inviting your own acquaintances, but after each further user invited by your friends as well, moreover after your friends' acquaintances too, because through 7 subsequent levels after each of your friends, who realizes 5 successful invitations you will also get 1 more GlobAllShare share.

If you have invited 5 of your friends successfully, you will get 1 GlobAllShare share straight away. But you may not merely get shares after inviting your own acquaintances, but after each further user invited by your acquaintances as well, moreover after your friends' acquaintances too, because through 7 subsequent levels after each of your friends, who realizes 5 successful invitations you will also get 1 more GlobAllShare share.

Continuous income
After your interests in the global community of the GlobAllShare you may have a continuous monthly income, since you are paid a dividend from the global profit in each month, in proportion of the number of shares you own.

If you have invited 5 of your friends to the GlobAllShare community successfully and your invited friends also invite 5 of their friends in 7 subsequent levels following you, then you may be entitled to the following dividend in each month.

level 1 5 invite 1 GAS share
level 2 25 invite 5 GAS share
level 3 125 invite 25 GAS share
level 4 625 invite 125 GAS share
level 5 3 125 invite 625 GAS share
level 6 15 625 invite 3 125 GAS share
level 7 78 125 invite 15 625 GAS share
Total 19.531 GAS share

According to the example, you may get altogether 19,531 GlobAllShare gratuitous shares, after which you will be paid a monthly dividend after the global launching of the venture. If, for instance, you are paid only $ 0.25 dividend from the global profit a month, you will get $5,000 a month. You may even get a dividend of monthly $0.5 or $1.0 after each of your shares, thus a monthly earning of $10,000 or $20,000 may easily be generated.

You can monitor the number and value of your shares as well as the sum of your monthly dividend at the WebOffice permanently.

Instant money
As a member of the GlobAllShare community you may not only get a monthly income in the form of dividends, but a large amount of money as well since you may sell your shares immediately.

After the global launching of this venture you may sell your shares at face value, thus making a large amount of money instantly. Let us take an example: if the face value of the shares is $10 after launching of the business and according to the example above you own 19,531 GlobAllShare shares, you can sell them for altogether $195,531, so you earn a great sum immediately. Obviously, the face value of the shares may easily reach $20 or $40 per share, depending on the number of persons using the GlobAllShare community portal throughout the world.

It should be noted that the users may acquire GlobAllShare shares only during the term of pre-organisation in line with their performance, therefore, at the global launching of the venture only those will have shares who contributed to the development of the GlobAllShare.

After the initiation of venture not any further shares will be issued, thus shares may be purchased from those exclusively who were involved in the global establishment of the network and received shares for their contribution.

Sunday, January 12, 2014


TIPS PENTING!!! Biar akun anda tidak di tuduh spam sama tim GAS seperti yang saya alami pribadi dan juga member lain karna nanti akibatnya akun di blokir lalu saham di cabut tanpa pemberitahuan terlebih dahulu, agar hal tersebut tidak terjadi pada calon member GAS atau yang sudah jadi member GAS maka anda harus patuhi hal-hal sebagai berikut:

1. Jangan upload foto porno.
2. Jangan pasang link di chatroom otomatis ditolak.
3. Jangan update status sekaligus naruh link url bisnis anda atau blog anda pribadi.
4. Jangan suka naruh link url ke tempat komen status member GAS yang lain.
5. Nge-hack akun member lain.
6. Berbuat curang dengan cara daftar akun baru di link url milik pribadi.
7. Isi data profil dengan benar.

Itu hal-hal menurut kami yang menyebabkan akun di blokir atau di tuduh Spam oleh pihak tim GAS. Semoga bermanfaat. Terima kasih. Silahkan Join Sekarang GRATIS!


Ketika Anda sudah gabung di komunitas GlobAllShare dan Anda berhasil mengajak 5 teman, maka Anda akan mendapatkan kiriman email berupa pemberitahuan pendapatan dividen saham GAS per-minggunya setiap hari rabu/kamis lewat email seperti contoh di bawah:



Tugas selanjutnya kita tunggu kabar perkembangan GAS lewat email dari tim GAS, pada tanggal 20 Februari 2014 pembagian dividen saham GlobAllShare di tutup dan diberi penawaran kepada member untuk menjual saham atau ambil dividen saham setiap bulannya sesuai jumlah saham yang dimiliki. Sekarang masih ada kesempatan bagi yang belum jadi bagian dari komunitas GAS silahkan gabung sekarang 100% GRATIS sampai tanggal penutupan saham tanggal 20 Februari 2014, launching akses lengkap fitur GAS pada tanggal 30 Maret 2014.


Sebagai anggota dari komunitas GlobAllShare Anda mungkin tidak hanya mendapatkan penghasilan bulanan dalam bentuk dividen, tetapi juga menghasilkan dollar secara langsung karena Anda dapat menjual saham Anda sendiri ke GlobAllShare.

Setelah peluncuran GlobAllShare secara resmi (03/30/2014), Anda dapat menjual saham Anda pada nilai nominal, sehingga bisa menghasilkan sejumlah dollar secara langsung. Mari kita ambil contoh : jika nilai nominal saham adalah $10 setelah peluncuran GlobAllShare nanti dan sesuai dengan contoh di atas misal Anda memiliki 19.531 saham GlobAllShare, Anda dapat menjualnya dengan penghasilan sesuai nominal saham yang didapat yaitu sebesar $195.531, sehingga Anda berpotensi mendapatkan penghasilan sebesar saham Anda. Jelas, nilai nominal saham dapat dengan mudah mencapai $20 atau $40 per saham, tergantung pada jumlah orang yang menggunakan portal komunitas GlobAllShare di seluruh dunia.

Perlu dicatat bahwa pengguna dapat membeli saham GlobAllShare hanya selama masa pre - organisasi sesuai dengan kinerja mereka. Program pre-organisasi berakhir pada tanggal 20 Februari 2014. Oleh karena itu, pada saat peluncuran global usaha pada tanggal 30 Maret 2014 hanya mereka yang memiliki saham yang memberikan kontribusi terhadap pengembangan GlobAllShare.

Setelah inisiasi usaha tidak ada pembagian saham lebih lanjut yang akan dikeluarkan, sehingga saham dapat dibeli dari mereka secara eksklusif yang terlibat dalam pembentukan global jaringan dan menerima saham atas kontribusi mereka sebelum resmi di launching.


Setelah Anda bergabung di komunitas jejaring sosial GlobAllShare, Anda akan memiliki penghasilan bulanan yang terus-menerus, karena Anda dibayar dividen dari laba global dalam setiap bulan, dalam proporsi jumlah saham yang Anda miliki.

Jika Anda telah berhasil mengundang 5 teman-teman Anda ke komunitas GlobAllShare dan teman yang Anda undang juga mengajak 5 teman-teman mereka sampai kedalaman 7 level berikutnya setelah Anda, maka Anda berhak atas dividen berikut dalam setiap bulan.

Sesuai ilustrasi gambar di atas, misalkan Anda berhasil mendapatkan 19.531 saham GlobAllShare, lalu setelah peluncuran GlobAllShare nanti jika Anda dibayar cuma $0,25 dividen dari total pendapatan seluruh dunia per-bulan, maka Anda mendapatkan penghasilan passive income dari saham GlobAllShare sebesar $5.000 per-bulan. Bahkan Anda mungkin bisa mendapatkan dividen bulanan $0,5 atau $1,0 setiap saham GlobAllShare Anda, dengan demikian penghasilan bulanan Anda bisa mencapai sebesar $10.000 atau $20.000 per bulan dapat dengan mudah dihasilkan.



GLOBALL SHARE namanya dan sekarang dalam masa promo pra launching sampai dengan 30 Maret 2014. Anda cukup mendaftar GRATIS dan perbarui status atau kegiatan seperti yang Anda lakukan di Facebook. Perbedaannya di Globall Share adalah jika Anda mengajak 5 teman saja, maka Anda akan mendapatkan 1 saham dari manajer Globall Share, nanti sahamnya akan dibeli kembali oleh pihak Globall Share sebesar $37 per satu saham atau jika Anda tidak ingin menjualnya maka Anda akan mendapatkan dividen atau keuntungan bagi hasil saham yang bisa Anda miliki terus-menerus SETIAP BULANNYA.

Karena Globall Share ini milik perusahaan besar Google.Inc maka kalau buat akun baru Anda harus pakai alamat email dari Kalau sudah punya akun Gmail silahkan daftar komunitas Globall Share DI SINI. Jika sudah terdaftar di Globall Share, Silahkan buka email Anda lalu cari dan buka email dari Globall Share kemudian klik "ACCOUNT ACTIVATION" pada posting tersebut. Anda akan langsung terhubung pada HOME akun Anda. Jangan lupa klik "Web Office" bagian sub menu kiri pada tampilan kemudian copy link url Anda dan silahkan memromosikannya ke teman-teman Anda, saudara, pacar atau komunitas Anda. Oh ya, promosi ini hanya berlaku sampai tanggal 20 Februari 2014.